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Category: Organization

How To Set Your Restaurant Menu Pricing in 2024

How To Set Your Restaurant Menu Pricing in 2024

Nothing in our world stands still, so updating menu prices is as vital as deciding them for the first time. If you’re pricing your menu for the first time in 2024 or it’s simply time for a bit of an update, here’s how to go about it.

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restaurant portion sizes

How to Determine Restaurant Portion Sizes

Serving too large of a portion can kill your bottom line, while serving too small can leave customers unsatisfied. So, how can you strike the balance between a healthy portion size for both your margins and your customers?

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Removal of the Tip Credit

Removal of the Tip Credit Dilemma

Factors like rising food prices and increasing labor costs have forced restaurant owners to reevaluate their pricing models. One noticeable change is the removal of the tip credit across key cities across America.

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